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Monday, February 21, 2011

skins, series 5

right, so the first two seasons of skins, starting in 2007, were rather phenomenal in their gritty portrayal of teens with issues (i highly recommend them, it's a far better show than whatever's on mtv). it was a perfect drama with bits of comedy and a few moments of suspended disbelief, but the whole cast remains grounded and the performances are very realistic. i would have compared it to degrassi, but skins is not an after-school program like degrassi (and i hate degrassi).
it deals with issues in a much more mature way. the first three seasons are available for instant watch on netflix. if you can, watch them at ~1.09x speed. the dialog is very natural, but sometimes too slow for me.

since i haven't seen the entirety of skins mtv yet, i'm not going to compare it to the original. the acting on it is indeed horrid, though. whoever plays tony doesn't have near as much charm as nicholas hoult (who's playing beast in x-men: first class, and he was in clash of the titans (didn't see)), which is a large selling point to get interested in the series, mind the sex, drugs and partying. it's a genuinely entertaining show, go watch now.

then after two seasons, the cast changes with minimal ties to the seasons before it. i watched the first couple episodes and really couldn't get through them. the season starts like a 'life at school' show instead of 'life in general.' i wasn't feeling it, so i haven't watched the third or fourth seasons yet (though i hear they get better). a lot of it has to do with the characters being less mature, but maybe that's how they're supposed to start.

now onto season 5. i liked the first two seasons so much that when i read that they were recasting for the new season, i started to watch again. i was pleasantly surprised! the show seemed to sink back to its deep melancholy roots and told us the story of franky, a girl with two dads who looks like la roux. she is very shy and just moved to the area coming from a school where she was bullied, which i commend them for not portraying it in a sappy, preachy way. then there's the rest of the cast, which half we still have to get to know. the series is run in a way that each episode is dedicated to a character, and we see their perspective of how everything is progressing.

there's some of the backstory, now here's the scores:
season 5, episode "franky" - 8.5/10
season 5, episode "rich" - 6/10
season 5, episode "mini" - 7.5/10
season 5, episode "liv" - 9.5/10

skins is on thursdays, so i usually get to watch them by the weekend. i just watched the fourth episode "liv" and thought it was so good that i wanted to write about how much better the writing on the show is doing. i'll be posting my review tomorrow, so look forward to it!


Anonymous said...

I've actually never gotten into skins, nice read tho!

D22 Zone said...

skins is amazing, watch it pretty much everyday! thumbs up!

Obi-wan Mikenobi said...

The best episode of the new series was the last one, still a shit series though especially when compared to 1&2.

Good read, you been watching being human?

Anonymous said...

sounds pretty cool

RedHeadRob said...

I'd watch it, but I try to avoid shows that also appear on MTV even if it is a different show technically.

ScottD said...

nver heard of it. I guess Ill watch before I say I dont like it.

Marcus Silva said...

Never really got into this, but I like it.

ed said...

i saw a commercial couple weeks back, it doesnt look too good

jcohen7523 said...

As a 40 year old I feel like I'm naughty, just reading about it. BTW...if you're interested I'd love for you to join my blog community @ bloggerdise.com

Rabidmoose said...

Never watched it before, I might check it out.

Trelin said...

Not my type of show. Nice read though.

seamagpie said...

I was going to watch the new series but I really have given in with skins after the pathetically un-fulfilling ending to the last series.

Sam said...

Sounds nice, I'll check it out!

Zakk said...

Never seen this show before, might check it out.

Eric P said...

American TV is extremely sanitized compared to its British counterpart. Also, British actors are usually far more competent - even at a young age. People act for fame in the US, whereas most do it for the art or a trade in the UK.

donga5000 said...

This skins looks alot better than the mtv version. The acting is terrible

Anonymous said...

reminds me of my high school days

Alopix said...

Never heard of it, gonna check it out and write you my opinion :)

Finally_21 said...

Hmm maybe I'll check this show out.. Following!

Follow me at

TheRogue said...

Love Skins...it's just, different...nothing like all the other crap the studios mass produce!

Bassislv said...

never got interested in this one, looks gay lol

Igneel21 said...

i think ill give it a try

PekkaK said...

I read that the creators were accused of pornography because of naked teenager

Anonymous said...

New Zealand is so late in receiving the episodes....
Ill have to watch it onlnie

Patti D. said...

Didn't know about this series, will take a look see if it's cool

Me said...

i've never been interested in skins, not my show.

but sounds interesting

Decadent said...

Not sure if I want to watch it, but review is good ;D

Meltedsnowgirl said...

@Snerd: The American version of Top Gear sucks as well. I hate how the Americans take good British shows and rape them. *sigh*

Anonymous. said...

Yeah, the UK one was sweet, back in the day. Rubbsih now though.

Forrest Stump said...

I've not seen this serie but I'll put it on my list of "to see".

Polybius said...

Meh, not much of TV fan.

Havuelete said...

i've never seen it, but everybody says it's great so i'll try. (and also that the remake is quite bad)

Jessica said...

I don't really watch MTV much, but the commercial for Skins looked pretty neat.

Chris said...

i have yet to watch the british or american version

mtn said...

don't really like skins, watched the first few episodes but just couldn't get into it

Anonymouse said...

never seen it, but it looks alright.

G said...

I keep missing this when it's on....but after reading this I might go by the box sets

Paranormal Explorer said...

I watched the first couple of seasons but once it got recast I didnt bother lol

Nemesis said...

it's worth checking out

Brightview said...

I tried watching Skins on Mtv and couldnt get through it.

Kara Hoag said...

This happens a lot when shows get popular. Well, and MTV just ruins everything. Except music. Which it doesn't really show.

visions unto myself

Meghan Moran said...

i watched one of the mtv episodes and it sucked. maybe i'll try out the uk version.

Aaron M. Gipson said...

I've not yet ever seen an episode of this (I live in Latin America), but you make it sound pretty interesting I might just see if there are some streaming episodes on the Internet...

Covnitkepr1 said...

I have added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit my blog and become a follower also.

Unknown said...

I read a review not too long ago in rolling stone and it said that it wasn't that bad so i've been thinking hard whether or not I'd watch it....I guess I will now...

Not So Simply Single said...

cool perspective..


Chris C. said...

I've always been meaning to check this show out. Thanks.

Tyrone said...

I'll have to check out these series to see what you mean!

Anonymous said...

Misfits is better.

Justsayin' said...

Dropping in showing support. Good post :)

level85nerd said...

I watch that, too :)

EvilWaffles said...

Maybe I will have to give this a shot.

Shutterbug said...

I have never seen this. Maybe I should. :)

Isaac said...

hmm I might have to start watching this show

phil said...

I've not watched skins for years...might catch the new series which I think is being shown here in the UK

Toyin O. said...

Sounds like a great show, thanks for sharing:)

!sense! said...

Has anyone noticed they are all white?

Dj DeKu said...

Looks quite interesting

Toto said...

not seen any episode.. maybe I should.

Followed and will support daily!

Dwrek said...

I could stand the show. Too much whining for me.

World of Warcraft Cheats@

SaintFear said...

i can not stand this show, its simply horrible

H.R. Walker said...

I love skins. I like the first two seasons more tho

ThisWeekInThought said...

I don't like the show. At all.

Just my opinion, though.

Anonymous said...

Skins is actually what most people would like their lives to be like.

PekkaK said...

Started watching this from the beginning... good stuff

fabio_2007 said...

gonna chick this out

qwerty said...

Dead end kids.